Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Simple Life - Weightloss Update - Listen to Your Body

 This is how I look when I'm at home.  I live in athletic attire.  The tee says "Stong & Fierce"  I definately feel like that these days.

Listening to your body is important; very important.  I've been in this weight loss journey for almost nine months now.  I know the feeling of loosing weight.  I can tell when I'm loosing weight.  I like the feeling of going to bed slightly hungry because I know that means I'm loosing weight.

So, why, after a week of going to bed hungry did I gain a pound instead of loose one?  I did everything right.  I stuck to my preplanned meals.  I worked out hard all five days.  How could this happen?

On Thursday I noticed that decimal number on the scale had gone up instead of down.  But it was only .2 so I ignored it.  The same thing happened on Friday and by Saturday I was up a full pound.

Why didn't I stop what I was doing as soon as I noticed that something was wrong?  Maybe because I knew I was doing everything right and I assumed the numbers would auto correct.  Wrong.

I knew that I was consuming too much salt.  I ate rice every day and I poured a cup of broth over it that was very high in sodium.  There was also sodium in the soup that I ate for breakfast.  Combined, I was consuming way too much salt and not drinking enough water to flush it all out.  The net result was weight gain even though I was doing everything right and I should have lost weight.

I knew it was happening and I ignored it.  I was so upset with myself on Saturday morning as I stood there on my scale a pound heavier.  I did it to myself.  A single pound isn't so much in the greater scheme of things but it reminded me that I have to listen to my body. 

The scale isn't my only tool, but it's important.  It helps me stay honest about where I am and what I'm dong on a daily basis.  So I lost a week but I learned a valuable lesson.  I don't have to panic when the numbers inch up, but I should take stock of everything I'm doing.  There was a reason the numbers went up even though I was doing all things.  There was one thing I wasn't doing right and had I paid attention I could have corrected it mid week and not been up that pound by the weekend.

Lesson learned.  Success, to a great degree is in the details.  It's a lot of little things that I do now.  It's all those little things that I've changed about my life that have gotten me where I am right now.  If I start ignoring enough of those little things, big mistakes can happen.  I don't want that.

On the fitness front I'm doing great.  As I continue to make my workouts a little harder I am strengthening my muscles and I find that I can do more.  I'm ready to add a little weight to my weighted vest so that will add intensity too.  I feel stronger and I can see the difference in my shape.  It feels good. 

My 33rd wedding anniversary is next weekend and I've bought a couple of new bathing suits.  I'm so excited about looking slimmer and feeling better than I did a year ago.  I continue to be excited and motivated to be the best that I can be.
This is me this morning, heading out to church.  These pants are very baggy on me now.  This time last year I couldn't even squeeze into them.

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