Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Over 50 Weight Loss - It's All About the Food

If it were possible to exercise ones self skinny I would be skinny.  For the most part I've led an active life.  I'm married to an athletic man and raised two athletic sons.  Not being active was never an option. 

Unfortunately you can't exercise yourself skinny.  I know this.  I've always known this.  But we try to tell ourselves things that we want to believe.  So I go through phases when I will exercise all the time, constantly in an effort to not have to diet.  It doesn't work; ever.

I remember years ago when I was running every day.  I subscribed to a running magazine.  One month there was an article by a marathon runner.  In it he talked about how, during racing season he would empty his house of all food except what was on his strict diet during this time each year.  Even extremely fit, active people have to watch their diet.  That's the truth.

So, this last week was my first living away from home, in a hotel for an extended time so that I can be with my husband where he is working.  I've struggled because of all the free food.  Our hotel provides a free breakfast buffet, hors d'oeuvre/dinner buffet and at 8 o'clock each night a dessert buffet.  That spells DIET DISASTER!

These free buffets might as well be crack cocaine and I'm the addict.  My response to my overeating has been lots of exercise.  The problem with exercising strenuously all the time is that it stimulates hunger. 

Luckily, I realize what's going on and this week I've begun to make small adjustments.  When I go to the breakfast buffet I grab two packets of oatmeal.  They have it cooked with lots of toppings but I skip that in favor of the packets because they are single servings and back at my room I have ground flax seed that I add.  I also pick up a banana, an apple, two bottles of water and two 100 calorie pre-packaged breakfast bars. 

I take the water and breakfast bars with me for my morning two hour walk.  I do photography while I walk so I take my time and stop constantly.  When I get back to the room I fix one oatmeal packet using the coffee maker in our room.  To that I add flax seeds.  I drink my other bottle of water now.  Before lunch I head to the hotel gym and walk on the treadmill for an hour.  This is my real exercise time.  I set the machine for a brisk pace.  when I get back from this I eat the banana. 

For lunch this week I'm dropping by a Tropical Smoothie Cafe located next to our hotel.  With my smoothie I eat my apple.

Once my husband gets back from work we head outside together.  He either walks to a nearby Y to swim or he runs along the river.  I walk for an hour.  It's a stroll and there are lots of people out so it's very enjoyable.  I grab another water on my way out.

Now for the hard part:  The horsd'oeuvre/dinner buffet.  This week I'm loading my plate with raw veggies.  Once I eat those I'll have a starch.  It's different each night depending on what is available.  Last night I had a cup of pasta with marinara sauce.  I grab two waters on my way out.  I do not go back later for the dessert buffet even if my husband does.

We are very fortunate to be in a hotel that provides so much free food.  The trick for me is to use that to my advantage, not my downfall.  I'm still getting lots of exercise but only one hour can be considered exercise.  I feel better this week because I'm not so hungry and I have my food consumption controlled much better.  I'll see how I feel at the end of the week and make more small changes if I need to.

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