Sunday, January 7, 2018

Too Much Stuff

Every year for the past several years I've told myself that I'll buy less stuff, have less stuff, use less stuff.  I want to buy less cheap crap from Walmart.  At my age I don't need anything.  Every year, at some point I declutter my closet and haul several trash bags full to the local Salvation Army.

And in 2018 I find myself once again, looking at my closet trying to figure out why I have so many shoes.  It's like a sickness.  I can't stop buying shoes or t-shirts.

So once again I am resolving to buy less, have less and use less in 2018.  Once again, I'm on my knees clearing out my shoes.

Here's what I started with:

 And here's the new shoes I've bought this year already:
Yes, I know. I made a resolution and I broke it like in the next breath. 
BUT, I am determined not to buy any more shoes for the rest of the year.

Now to make room for the new shoes, these are the ones I'm getting rid of:

And this is the decluttered, organized shoe collection:

I know it still looks like a bit of a mess but there is a strategy.  I like to keep the shoes that I wear every day on the floor, right inside of the closet; easy access and easy to return them there.  I keep the shoes I wear on the weekends on the racks.  The new sneakers are sitting out side the closet because they don't stay in my bedroom.  I keep them in the dining room where I get dressed in my running gear at 5 am in the mornings.

Now on to the t-shirts.  I have two drawers packed full of t-shirts and I've recently bought half a dozen yoga type tops.
What you see there is at least 30 tops that I wear when I'm not at work and working out. 

I weeded out the ones I don't wear and don't need.  I'm get rid of 13.  That's still too many to keep, but it's the best I could do. 

Keepers on the right and donation stack on the left.

That's a good start.  I feel like I did something good this weekend.  I'm really going to try not to buy any more t-shirts or shoes this year.  I do need to buy some shorts for the summer because I've lost so much weight, what I've got is way too big.  I'll try to keep it to a minimum and once that's done I don't need any more clothing this year.  If I stick to that it will be a major accomplishment.

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